Final destination 1 full movie online dailymotion
Final destination 1 full movie online dailymotion

final destination 1 full movie online dailymotion final destination 1 full movie online dailymotion final destination 1 full movie online dailymotion

While the opening and closing X-Ray/Skeletal credit sequences are superb and a credit to those involved. The kills entertain as they pretty much always have throughout the franchise, with the opening disaster sequences (here set at a speedway stadium) continuing one of the series' great traditions. Ellis, to direct part 4! Which ultimately proves to be nothing more than some sort of nepotism like factor because The Final Destination is basically just over 82 minutes of poor acting, bad writing and a series of kills weaved together by the odd 5 minutes of barely relevant characterisations (the exposition as painful as the gory deaths!). Just as the director of the first one, James Wong, was brought back to direct part 3, the makers here bring back the director of part 2, David R. And that's pretty much all that it took, with the end result being a movie that is very self aware of its roots, but still plays out as the runt of the Final Destination litter. Big suit number two has the genius notion that 3D is again taking off so why not utilise that option too. Big suit number one puts forward that they obviously need more inventive mouse trap like deaths.


You can just imagine the suits sitting around their big round table discussing how to churn out another financially beneficial Final Destination movie and get away with it.

Final destination 1 full movie online dailymotion